Joniaux, Georges
Georges Joniaux (1932-1987) French photographer. Founder of the creative group “Les compagnons de Massy”, whose aim was to bring artistic photography the respect and recognition enjoyed by the other arts. A very active, inventive and restless character, he focuses on peaceful, mostly static themes. He sought them out in the very heart of nature. He says: “At first, I was looking for man, now I’m looking for what he has forgotten to see. I no longer seek what others cannot perceive, but what they do not know how to see. ” Exhibitions: – Expedition to the Arctic Circle (MIFTA) mission to Lapland, Norway: photographs (1957) – Images Lapones” exhibition, Paris, spring 1958 – Pays des Hurdes (Spain): photographs (September 1958) – Camargue: photographs (February 1960 and May 1961) – Sologne (Broderie de roseaux): photographs (November 1961) – Camargue inconnue” exhibition, Paris, February/March 1962 – L’Homme et le xxe siècle” exhibition, Seattle (USA) spring 1962 – Belle-Île-en-Mer (Brittany): photographs (July 1962) – Sologne (reed embroidery): photographs (November 1962) – Cinquante idées de cadeaux de noël” group exhibition, peuple et culture, Paris, December 1962 – Camargue: photographs (September 1963) – Group exhibition, “Nature et Insolite”, Massy (December 1963) – Group show, Nationale Suisse (Lausanne: salle loisir-pêche from April 30 to October 30, 1964) – Karst Morave Czechoslovakia expedition: photographs (August 1964) (Georges Joniaux – Paul Marrec) with the Ile-de-France speleological research group – Group exhibition (Galerie Montalembert), Paris, March 1965, with the Libre Expression group. – Retrospective exhibition, Prague (Czechoslovakia), November 1966 – Retrospective exhibition, Brno (Czechoslovakia), December 1966
